domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

Scenic attractions
Chiapas is ideal for those who want to move away from conventional travel paradise, stop the clock and dive into the deepest blue of the sky and its waters that protect mother nature, ready to be discovered by adventurous with admiration and respect.

We choose be going to the state of Chiapas in future plans, Because is a place with beautiful sites, nature reserves, etc .... It is a place where we can experience new things and spend unforgettable moments.
Protected areas
Are the following protected areas within the state of Chiapas:
Biosphere Reserves
 Montes Azules ( Lacandon Jungle )
 El Triunfo

·        Lacantún

·        The Crossroads

·        The Sepultura

Natural Monument
Areas Protection of Natural Resources
·         Agua Azul
Protection Area Wildlife
·         Chan Kin –
National Parks
·         Lagunas de Montebello
·         Sumidero Canyon
·         Palenque

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