domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

  • San cristobal de las casas.
will have to travel 46 km from Tuxtla Gutierrez Tuxtla toll highway - San Cristobal to get to san cristobal house.
San Cristobal de Las Casas is one of the most romantic cities of the world, recognized as Magic Town.

  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • tourist attractions
  • Laguna Miramar

From Ocosingo to Altamirano paved road just 17 km diversion of 150 km is paved about 40 kms is located, the rest is dirt that will take you to San Quentin and then 3 km the town of Emiliano Zapata is , from here continue by foot or horse trail to a distance of 8 km to reach Laguna Miramar.

The Biosphere Reserve Montes Azules houses this wonderful natural body of water, the largest of Chiapas and perhaps the most beautiful. Its tones ranging from green to cobalt blue same covering an area of over 2000 hectares.

  • Tours

  • Hotels

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